- From: Joe Clark <joeclark@joeclark.org>
- Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 13:42:07 -0400 (EDT)
- To: sicking@bigfoot.com, <fantasai@escape.com>, <ewexler@stickdog.com>, <james@cookiecrook.com>
- Cc: bert@w3.org, www-style@w3.org
I react with alarm at everyone's suggestion that hanging indents can simply be kluged into place. (1) *I* can't figure them out. (2) Even copying the CSS from the only site I know that does them well, <http://www.boredinsomniac.com/hmltcmplx/>, I flub them. (3) CSS has to do at least as much as WordPerfect 3.0 could do in 1982. (4) I really, really resent it when computer geeks with little typographic sophistication essentially tell those of us who *do* have typographic sophistication to either get lost or program for a week and a half to get an effect that should be built into the browser. I am not accusing any of you of being in that category, but the feel I get is the same. I am sure it is unintentional, but it is also unbecoming. It's like Microsoft's refusal for an entire *decade* to add a wordcount feature to MS Word because its in-house geeks *loved* the character-count feature. So yes, we need a primitive for hanging indents. -- Joe Clark | joeclark@joeclark.org Accessibility articles, resources, and critiques: <http://joeclark.org/access/>
Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2002 04:48:24 UTC