Re: X11 Colors (was Last call comments on CSS3 module: color)

A rumor says that Steven Pemberton wrote:

>Well, the need for named colours is clear. The first Mosaic was on X right?
>So it is not surprising that they just used an existing name set that worked
>out of the box. 

Right. It just had to parse the contents of /usr/X11R5/lib/X11/rgb.txt 
to be all set.

I have to agree with Steven (I have always complained about the X11 
color set) : color names are just crazy. I saw a few days ago an 
evangelism bug caused by an invalid CSS color name belonging to X11 set 
: palegoldenrod. I was just unable to imagine what color it represents 
looking at the name.

By the way, Mozilla/Netscape accept a restricted X11 color set, even on 
non-X platforms... A lot of web sites already use colors from this set. 
Could you believe that MS sites are in the list ?-)

Conclusions : right, the X11 color set should not be a standard 'de 
jure'... ooops, too bad, that's already a standard 'de facto'. We have 
to live with it, I'm afraid.


Received on Thursday, 23 May 2002 06:00:52 UTC