Re: ISSUE SVG1.0 two BE tests are wrong or CSS2 needs an errata

Thierry's recommendation is fine with me.


At 10:35 AM 3/15/2002 +0100, Thierry Kormann wrote:

>We are implementing a new CSS engine for Batik. The new engine is
>about: text-alignment-BE-11.svg and text-i18n-BE-09.svg. The error is on
>'glyph-orientation-vertical' and 'glyph-orientation-horizontal'.
>According to the CSS2 spec, "4.3.7 Angles"
>"Their format is an optional sign character ('+' or '-', with '+' being the
>default) immediately followed by a <number> immediately followed by an angle
>unit identifier."
>That means that '0' is not valid.
>I think we have two options:
>[A] fix both tests and be aware that '0' is not valid for those properties,
>which I think is not really nice from a user point of view. It also means
>that the upcoming SVG validator will complain about that.
>[B] Ask the CSS WG to add the following sentence in "4.3.7 Angles":
>"After the '0' angle, the unit identifier is optional."
>BTW: The CSS WG has already put such a statement in "4.3.2 Lengths"
>I do prefer [B]

Received on Friday, 15 March 2002 12:41:18 UTC