Re[4]: List Module Offering

Hello Daniel, everyone,

>> For example, "lower-latin" and "upper-latin" are strictly mapped to
>> the corresponding writing system while traditional Russian numbering
>> is not that strict in this respect. One might omit the letter 'yo'
>> (7th letter of the alphabet), the letter "i kratkoye' (11th letter),
>> and some others. In fact it is a commonplace to number lists without
>> these letters, *but* it is strictly speaking illegal.

> Out of curiosity, does omitting these two letters reduce the Russian
> alphabet to a "classical" or "traditional" form?
Nothing of the kind. I put these two letters just as an example. Not
only these letters are omitted usually. If someone is going to
consider inclusion of Russian letters as a numbering system into
CSS3 Lists I can help with this and specify the complete list.

> I've encountered
> list usage of an alphabet where the more recently added letters were
> not used. I thought this might be the case here.
There were no letters added recently. As a matter of fact some letters
were eliminated from the alphabet in 1917-1918 (guess why) and never

As I see (a quick sketch), these letters are omitted either
1) They look "not quite ok", e. g. the letter "yo" (#x0401/#x0451) has
two dots (aka umlaut in German) over it and looks just like Unicode's
"latin capital/small letter e with diaeresis", #x00CB/#x00EB. It is
the only Russian letter with dots over it, that's why some people find
it inappropriate to use it in lists.
2) Something's "wrong" with the sounding, e. g. the letter "tvyordiy
znak" (#x042A/#x044A) cannot be pronounced in case it's single (out of
the word). But still I suppose it's reasonable to use this letter (and
similar ones) in long lists.

Best regards,
  Alexander "Croll" Savenkov                  

Received on Monday, 29 July 2002 10:58:21 UTC