RE: Feedback on Media Queries CR

> From: ext Håkon Wium Lie []
>  > Some feedback/questions regarding the Media Queries CR:
>  > 
>  >
>  >
>  > Given the W3C has already developed a framework (CC/PP) for
>  > describing device capabilities (to be used by a server to
>  > generate appropriate content), why did the CSS WG ignore this 
>  > work and develop yet another, competing solution?
> Thanks for your feedback. Media Queries are different in several
> respects. 

Well that's certainly an understatement :-).

> I think there is room for both a client-based and a server-based
> solution. 

If you would please send me the pointer(s) to the WG's detailed 
end-to-end use cases for Media Queries then we can discuss your
assertion.  For example, how does the agent that creates a Media
Queries (e.g. author, tool) know the target device's capabilities;
or is the idea a Media Queries is created statically (not on demand)?  
It's reasonable for the spec to be silent on this but I'm trying 
to understand the real world usage(s) the WG envisions.


Art Barstow

Received on Thursday, 18 July 2002 13:38:29 UTC