Re: CSS in XML format ?

On Friday 12 July 2002 15:06, Manos Batsis wrote:
> Perhaps you need two selector versions for both XPath and CSS use. BTW
> has anyone worked on mappings between the two selector notations?

I have, and I think there's enough overlap that common semantics coupled with 
extensions could be done. The reason I haven't gone any further however is 
that the project for which I needed to translate from CSS to XPath has died 
and I could find no good reason to continue. I'd be happy to provide what 
assistance I can if anyone is interested though.

Robin Berjon <> -- for hire:
  Industrious people create industry.
  Lazy people create civilization.
                             --Hideo Nakamura

Received on Friday, 12 July 2002 17:32:09 UTC