RE: CSS in XML format ?

> From: Tantek Celik [] 

> > XSL-FO was not designed for the web.
>                                   ^^^
> Really? Why is the W3C(world wide WEB consortium) spending 
> time, money,
> distraction on technologies "not designed for the web" as you say?

Whoa boy, hold your horses!

Distraction is certainly wrong as a word here, as well as your
interpretation of the word web based on the current context. I guess I
should be more clear so let me rephrase that. 

XSL-FO contains too much presentation information. It's aim is to cover
all presentation needs in one place, as the initial format which one can
filter to produce the optimum for any target (at any media).

XSL-FO was not designed *primarily* for today's web clients, but for
pipe-line applications (XSL -> PDF is quite common).

Currently there is not one internet client for which you'd use XSL-FO
instead of something else. Not even Xsmiles. That's because there are
lots more suitable XML vocabularies for screen media right now, that
will do a great job in separating content/presentation info and preserve
bandwidth. XSL-FO is impractical for web clients exactly for these

...that make it perfect for print. 

Back to the "web", I guess you are right in my use of the word, I meant
*web clients* as the actual viewers of XSL-FO, something certainly not
practical at this point.


Received on Friday, 12 July 2002 04:12:14 UTC