Re: CSS, css, etc. [css layout should be symmetrical]

Vadim Plessky wrote:

>The fact that CSS3 Tables (and Positioning) modules are missing is pretty 
>known. I think Bert was working on at least one of them, no?..
>Would be nice to have an update on that.

This world is full of surprises.

>To clarify my position once more: Tables is rather specific stuff, I would 
>prefer not to use them at all.
>Now, do you see my point?

Yes, I see your point. I does not imply that I don't find it totally 
crazy, but I see your point.

>Is it HTML or XML?


>BTW: can you send me your example, please?

      <title>test for www-style</title>
      <style type="text/css">
      div.t { display: table; width: 100%; border: 1px solid black}
      div.r { display: table-row}
      div.c { display: table-cell; border: 1px solid black}
      <div class="t">
        <div class="r">
          <div class="c">aaaa</div>
          <div class="c">aaaa</div>
          <div class="c">aaaa</div>
        <div class="r">
          <div class="c">aaaa</div>
          <div class="c">aaaa</div>
          <div class="c">aaaa</div>
        <div class="r">
          <div class="c">aaaa</div>
          <div class="c">aaaa</div>
          <div class="c">aaaa</div>

Pretty simple, working just fine.


Received on Thursday, 21 February 2002 04:15:37 UTC