Re: css layout should be symmetrical

Hello Jesse,

On Tuesday, February 19, 2002 you wrote:


> In summary, in HTML a table is a table, so if you need to use a
> table for layout, do so, but there is no using a table without using
> a table. 

Thanks for the explanation - I understand your position much better
now. But transforming a list of items to a one row table doesn't seem
to imply a huge semantic difference in my eyes, so this technique
could be useful to get graceful degradation.

I agree that just slapping display:table on DIV to get a
shrink-wrapped effect is a hack. It doesn't seem to be a very harmful
one in itself, but as always hacks can come back to haunt you.


Mot du Jour:
Unqualified superlatives are the worst of all.

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2002 20:40:06 UTC