Comments for CSS Mobile Profile 20011024

Belated congratulations on your CSS Mobile Profile Candidate
Recommendation [1]. Below are minor comments to use as you
see fit.

In the status section, to match the W3C Process document:
s/Style activity/Style Activity/
s/last call review/Last Call review/
s/working group/Working Group/

In 3:
     Matches any E element ID equal to "myid".
"id" would be lowercase for XHTML compatibility:
     Matches any E element id equal to "myid".

Globally, RFC 2119 key words could be marked up lowercase.
That way phrases like "The MP-UA SHALL" might be easier to
read. <em>shall</em> would look fine.

In Appendix A, authors' names could be regularized, e.g.,
B. Bos in place of Bos B. would match D. Raggett.

Also in Appendix A, make the reference titles the link,
not the URI. (See the last paragraph in section 9.5 of .)


Best wishes for your project,
Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Sunday, 3 February 2002 01:20:33 UTC