Re: CSS 2.1 WD and non-CSS presentational hints

[Mon, 05 Aug 2002 06:08:42 -0700] I wrote:
>In this section:
>the "CSS 2.1 Specification" working draft states:
>|| If presentational hints from other sources than CSS are taken
>|| into account by a UA, it must treat them as having the same weight
>|| as the user agent's default style sheet. 
>which is essentially the same as "CSS3 module: Cascading and inheritance"
>||  If the user agent chooses to honor presentational hints from other
>||  sources than style sheets, these hints must be given the same weight
>||  as the user agent's default style sheet. This rule is intended for
>||  presentational hints in HTML.  Note that non-CSS presentational hints
>||  had a higher weight in CSS2. 
>I cannot grasp the logic of this.  It seems to me to be a great mistake.

Can't anyone explain the rationale behind this change?
If not, then why is it being changed?
Randall Joseph Fellmy aka

Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2002 01:42:23 UTC