- From: Christian Ottosson <christian@ottosson.name>
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 12:29:01 +0200
- To: www-style@w3.org
I have searched the CSS 2 recommendation in order to find out whether or not an element can have the property "display: block" inside an element who has the property "display: inline". I can't see why it couldn't, but I can't find any statement about it in the recommendation and the browser I have tested it with (Mozilla, Opera, MSIE on Mac) don't like it. In case you want to know, I'm trying to place an image next to a centered text broken into two lines with CSS: div {text-align: center;} img {display: inline;} h1 {display: inline;} span {dipslay: block;} XHTML: <div> <img src="..." alt="..." /> <h1><span>Elim</span> <span>Stockholm</span></h1> </div> Wished result: ___________________________________ | XX Elim | | XX Stockholm | |___________________________________| -- Christian -------------------------------------------------- /"\ \ / X ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN - AGAINST HTML MAIL / \ --------------------------------------------------
Received on Thursday, 18 April 2002 07:10:05 UTC