RE: line-height and reality

At 03:36 PM 4/10/2002 -0600, Benjamin D. Gray wrote:
>chriz>When I introduce <p> breaks, it starts to get off-track...
>Do you have an example of your html code? And are you closing your <p>
>tags (not using them as <br/>)?
><div style="background: url('images/rules.gif'); line-height: 18px;
>font-size: 12px;">
>Some information dfinefa infaein aifn afinain aflin aflienfapofnew pq
>eqpw fn poainefpion poian fepoin apfeoin apoin apweofin apowefni
>Some information dfinefa infaein aifn afinain aflin aflienfapofnew pq
>eqpw fn poainefpion poian fepoin apfeoin apoin apweofin apowefni
>Some information dfinefa infaein aifn afinain aflin aflienfapofnew pq
>eqpw fn poainefpion poian fepoin apfeoin apoin apweofin apowefni

That was it, thanks!  I needed to set my <p> to have padding top and bottom 
and margin top and bottom to be 0 or a multiple of 18 (the spacing of the 
background pattern), and then I was also neglecting to close my paragraphs 
(well, technically I wasn't neglecting it -- I was trying it both ways).

Thanks again for all the help!

Oh, the site is just my new personal site -- -- no 
real content yet.  It most likely won't look right with NS4, but I'm not 
concerning myself about that now.

Received on Wednesday, 10 April 2002 17:51:16 UTC