Re: Easy newbie question. - over-riding style-sheet specification.

[Mon, 8 Apr 2002 13:05:08 +0930] James Dean:
>        color : Black;
>        font-family : "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
>        font-size:18px;
>        text-align: left;
>        background : #CCFF66;
>        font-weight: bold;
>        font-style: italic;
>in the document:
>  <tr>
>    <td width="117" bgcolor="#000000" valign="top">{NAV_BAR}</td>
>    .....

I presume you mean "black"

>does not over-ride the other colour. Could someone please point me at
>the correct syntax.

I believe this:
    <td width="117" style="background: #000000" valign="top">{NAV_BAR}</td>
should work as you wish.

Alternatively, you could use something like this:
     .blackback {background: black}
    <td width="117" class="blackback" valign="top">{NAV_BAR}</td>
to keep the presentation in the style sheet.

Received on Monday, 8 April 2002 00:18:05 UTC