Re: font size

Franck Collineau <> wrote:

> I have a solution for Netscape: font[size="8"] { font-size: 10pt; }

This is not a good solution even for browsers like Netscape 6 that do
support CSS2 selectors.

Firstly, <font size="8"> would not be valid HTML. The DTD does not enforce
it, but integer font size values must lie between 1 and 7.

Secondly, '10pt' will render differently on-screen between different
operating systems (it will be tiny on a Mac). Assuming you are not writing
a stylesheet for print-only usage, the physical length units (pt, mm, in...)
are a terrible choice. For fixed-sized fonts use 'px'. For normal,
resizable fonts, use 'em' or '%'.

I can't really understand why you would want to style an element that
is completely presentational in the first place, to be honest!

Incidentally, could you post in plain-text in the future please?

Andrew Clover

Received on Friday, 5 April 2002 13:38:12 UTC