Re:Restricting minimum font size.

"David Balch" <> wrote on 11/13/01 5:54:34 AM:
>A client of mine has had complaints that the site I designed for him is
>illegible when the IE text-size is set to anything less than "medium" (we
>use "font-size : 0.7em;"). I've made him aware that this is because the site
>is css-ed so people can increase text size if they need to.
>He wants the minimum size to be set at medium - no smaller, but we still
>want people to be able to scale-up. At first I though "!important", but that
>will stop increasing the size, unless the users have set their own
>stylesheet. Am I right in thinking that it isn't possible?
>I was also surprised at people browsing at "small" - anyone heard of that
>being common?
>Cheers, Dave

Yeah I think you're right, I don't see any way to accomplish that.  You've 
created the site in an intelligent way, I think you're having a client 
relations and not a technical problem.  You can screw up just about anything by 
doing something absurd, like setting the text size to small and expecting to be 
able to read text.  If these people are too lazy to spend the 2 seconds 
(literally) to change the text size, they must not want to see the site very 

Number of people browsing at small?  Who knows.  There are millions of people 
out there browsing the web and they do a lot of crazy things, like set their 
display to 256 colors, turn off JavaScript, etc., you can't babysit them all.  
I didn't even know you could change the text size until pretty recently when I 
got a mouse with a scroll wheel for the first time and I accidentally changed 
it in IE. 

Received on Tuesday, 13 November 2001 10:15:59 UTC