FW: Extended URL for [I]Frames (revived)

If frames are being removed, is it best to stick to using layers? Or is
there a nice alternative, that we can use now?


Nathan Pearce

-----Original Message-----
From: Mjumbe Ukweli [mailto:mjumbewu@hotmail.com]
Sent: 15 May 2001 14:09
To: www-html@w3.org; www-style@w3.org; www-talk@w3.org
Subject: RE: Extended URL for [I]Frames (revived)

are there any documents to which people can point me explaining _why_ 
(i)frames are being removed altogether (or if anyone can just tell me then 
that woudl be fine as well)?

>From: Dave  J Woolley <david.woolley@bts.co.uk>
>Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 11:05:35 +0100
> > From:	Mjumbe Ukweli [SMTP:mjumbewu@hotmail.com]
> >
> > within URIs (or has there), not just for frames, but iframes, and 
> > objects?
> >
>	[DJW:]  frames and iframes have *never* been in the strict
>	standards and are being taken out completely.  You might want
>	to look at Xlink, but I don't think it goes far enough to allow
>	capturing the state of dynamic content.
>	[ Cross post as original - www-talk will be delayed for
>	  moderation. ]
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                                                  &#8226; mjumbe &#8226;

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