Interaction with invisible elements

    I was wondering something today.  Suppose I want to hide an Easter 
Egg in my Web page (idle thought at lunch).  I thought about doing it 
like this:

    a.easter-egg {visibility: hidden;}

However, upon trying this I discovered that browsers which make the 
element invisible also prevent me from selecting the link.  In other 
words, the element ceased to be available for interaction, at least 
with my mouse.
    Should this be the case?  I think not, but I've certainly been 
wrong about CSS before.  If it should, then if we adopt Mozilla's 
'opacity' into CSS3, will an element be available for interaction 
only so long as its opacity is a nonzero value?

Eric A. Meyer (
Author, "CSS: The Definitive Guide"
Editor, Style Sheets Ref. Guide
Coordinator, W3C CSS Test Suite

Received on Thursday, 1 March 2001 18:04:53 UTC