RE: Another approach to style hyperlinks

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bjoern Hoehrmann []

> I came to the conclusion, that I don't like the @link rule syntax. The
> current proposal [4] is one of
>   @link Selector1                 = this(Attribute);  /* [link1] */
>   @link Selector1                 = first(Attribute); /* [link2] */
>   @link Selector1                 = content;          /* [link3] */
>   @link Selector1 @with Selector2 = this(Attribute);  /* [link4] */
>   @link Selector1 @with Selector2 = content;          /* [link5] */
> the selector argument is misplaced here. The CSS way is
>   Selector1 { @link ... }

Actually, one other CSS way is

@link Selector1 > @link Selector2


@link Selector1 @link Selector2

and more. The syntax is descriptive in a markup_kind_of_way. Of course I
don't like the "@with" either.

> I strongly recommend to put the :subject pseudo-class back

Could you please point me to a resource dc:about ":subject" ?

Kindest regards,


Received on Saturday, 28 July 2001 08:47:16 UTC