Re: Behavioral Extensions to CSS

* Jeffrey Yasskin wrote:
>It makes it easier to attach code in an extensible way to HTML and XML 

HTML has event handlers, XHTML gets a generic events model, for XML
there is the DOM Level 2 Events module.

>As the world moves to object orientation, HTML scripting is still 

Is it? I thought it was based on the HTML document _object_ model? Well,
if authors don't use object-orieted features ECMA-262 provides to them,
that's nothing CSS could fix.

>A few days ago someone complained that BECSS gives code writers yet one more 
>place to hide code. Have you seen Dreamweaver script lately? And that's 
>contained in the current page. If someone wants to hide code, they can do 
>it, and if someone wants to find it, they can do it. Most people only care 
>if it works, and BECSS makes that more likely.

Does it? User agent without CSS support won't be able to make use of
that and scripting fails completly.

>So, is BECSS dead? And why don't you like it?

CSS is meant to influence the _presentation_ of documents. It must not
contain logical semantics as it should not contain any scripting
information. Mixing scripting with presentation appears to me like
mixing logic and structe with presentation as in HTML 3.2. What's wrong

  /* some script */
  ...addEventListener("submit", submitListener, 0);
  ...submitListener::handle_event( evt )
    /* do something */
Björn Höhrmann { }
am Badedeich 7 } Telefon: +49(0)4667/981028 {
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Received on Thursday, 2 August 2001 00:55:07 UTC