Possible CORNER element in CSS3?

I've been working more and more with CSS and have only found one thing
particularly wanting--that is the lack of a CORNER specification for use
with the box-based CSS.  Ideally, a designer such as myself could specify,
corner-angle: 45;
corner-size: 10px;
for angled corners, or 
corner-radius: 10px
for rounded corners.
I know there are similar specifications in SVG, but that would apply to
objects and not to backgrounds of text areas or buttons.  Any chance of this
type of thing for CSS3?
Mickey Hawk
Art Director/E-Media
OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Incorporated
Dublin, OH
mickey_hawk@oclc.org <mailto:mickey_hawk@oclc.org> 
www.oclc.org <http://www.oclc.org/> 

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2001 10:14:06 UTC