Feedback requested: features wanted in test suite v2

It has quickly become apparent that there are some defects in the
RichInStyle test suite, in particular:

1. the tests should be in HTML strict
2. the tests shouldn't link such large (cosmetic) style sheets
3. the tests are difficult to navigate
4. the tests are too wordy/bulky

In response to these complaints, I will be bringing out test suite v.2. 
Feedback is requested on these or any further complaints.

I will take the following action to rectify the defects:

1. will change
2. will change; is this ok:
BODY {background: white;
color: black}
A {text-decoration: none}?
3. A frameset navigation has been suggested - using collapsible menus?
Any better suggestions?
4. will try and simplify
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Received on Thursday, 9 March 2000 09:36:07 UTC