RE: Confusion with CSS String syntax.

> Looking at the current syntax for a CSS String below:
>   string 
> 	{string1}|{string2}
>   string1 
> 	\"([\t !#$%&(-~]|\\{nl}|\'|{nonascii}|{escape})*\"
>   string2  
> 	\'([\t !#$%&(-~]|\\{nl}|\"|{nonascii}|{escape})*\'
> A simple string like "hello world" is invalid.  The syntax seems too
> restrictive for general strings. Am I misinterpreting something?

I think the part that says [...(-~] means to include all
the characters from ( to ~.  In ASCII or Unicode, that
spans codepoints 40 to 126 and includes all the ASCII
letters and digits, plus assorted punctuation.

Jason Orendorff

Received on Friday, 23 June 2000 10:51:05 UTC