<br> again

I've been thinking, if run-ins were defined as in [1], it would be
possible to style <br> thus:

br {
  display: run-in;
br:last-child {
  display: none; /* or display: inline; */

The only problem I see is when the <br> comes before a table, in which
case it mimics Mosaic's behavior. But it does allow <br> to take the 
'clear' property,  which, as Matthew Brealey pointed out, is a problem 
with 'content: \A'.

[1] fantasai. "Re: run-in the middle of a block", www-style@w3.org
         message-id: <39121F3C.F26F0A37@escape.com>

Received on Sunday, 31 December 2000 14:56:26 UTC