RE: Relative colours in CSS?

If you're using colour names (like red, blue as opposed to numbers) then
perhaps the whole relative colours thing will work. If you're using
hexadecimal for one colour and then have another colour which is the same
but you stipulate it to be :darker then you're really just moving to another
colour all together. For example, let's say you were using #990000 and then
you had a child selector which stated that it should be :darker, then you're
really just defining #660000. Just seems a bit silly to be redefining
colours so that, in effect, ten people using the same colour all have
different names for it or ten people with the same colour name but it is
actually a different colour when what we are really working towards is
consistency and standards. Personally, I like the idea but just don't think
that it's workable.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rowland Shaw []
Sent: Thursday, 21 December 2000 3:47 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Relative colours in CSS?

then you can do funky things like redefining red... I like it :o)

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno []
Sent: 20 December 2000 15:02
To: Clover Andrew;
Subject: Re: Relative colours in CSS?

> The obvious syntax for this would be an at-rule to extend/replace
> the built-in colour names, eg.
>   @color {
>     color-name: skin;
>     color-base: rgb(253, 210, 189);
>   }
> I suppose one might also be able to fit the 'relative colours'
> idea into this sort of syntax, something like:
>   @color {
>     color-name: bruise;
>     color-base: skin;
>     color-value: darker; /* or -n% or an absolute value */
>     color-hue: 153;  /* IMO HSV is a more useful model than RGB */
>   }

I just want to say that I agree with Andrew, this at-rule for colors is very
inventive, good job Andrew, and you have my vote for colors to be put in

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Received on Wednesday, 20 December 2000 16:49:10 UTC