[Zvon announcement] XSL FO Reference

We have just published XSL FO  Reference at Zvon:


Main features

       Clickable indexes 
       Click on "Go to standard" leads 
             to the relevant part of the specification 

The material including all sources can be downloaded for off-line use:

Jiri Znamenacek today announced his :
JavaScript&DOM Factory

and it is really an amazing piece of work  :) !!!


Provide an easy and handy lookup for properties of objects in JavaScript
for loaded document and the same functionality for DOM objects. 
Names of properties are clickable and colour-differentiated so
navigation is intuitive and easy. 
Properties can be highlighted (also links to appropriate references are
Found objects can be easy added (by click) for another lookup. 
Dislayed output can be filtered in various ways. 
Simple DOM 'debugger' for testing DOM in loaded document. 
Simple JavaScript 'debugger' for evaluating JavaScript expressions 'on
the fly'. 

<firstName> Miloslav </firstName>    
<surname>   Nic      </surname>     

<mail>    nicmila@idoox.com    </mail>   
<support> http://www.zvon.org  </support>

Received on Thursday, 14 December 2000 11:03:51 UTC