Test suite


I've finally managed to get my new test suite working (it was a 
nightmare trying to import the databases).

Anyway, I've recoded it so the tests are generated from a database so 
that I can enter tests into the web-based interface (*) without having 
to edit/break individual HTML pages and mess around with manually 
generated links.

This should allow me to produce new tests much more easily.

As a side effect, you can now enter results for the tests, which can be 
seen as a table at http://www.richinstyle.com/php/results.php?
action=table, or accessed from  
http://www.richinstyle.com/php/results.php?action=table where you can 
view a list of the pages that have bugs in each browser, and from there 
see exactly how the browser renders it.

Anyway, it's a beta version so it probably doesn't work properly. Any 
bugs, feature requests, incorrectly detected browsers, etc., should be 
sent to me.

* If you want write access, just email me.

PS. I probably won't be able to respond for a while - it's now time to
enter the enforced alcoholic stupour that is the office party :-/

-- Random (non-anti-Microsoft) fortune
Q:	What do you have when you have a lawyer buried up to his neck in sand?
A:	Not enough sand.

Received on Thursday, 7 December 2000 12:34:33 UTC