SAC and Flute : A C++ version integrated in the Xerces project


We are a group of students from the Ecole des Mines de Nantes and from the
Vrije Universiteit Brussel. We have a project in which we have to implement
SAC in C++. We have made a C++ version of the Java implementation of SAC,
translating the Java code and reusing some classes from the Xerces Lib. We
are now trying to implement an equivalent of the Flute parser in C++.

What we would like to know :

- are there existing implementations of SAC and Flute in C++ and where  can
we find them ?
- is there any equivalent of JavaCCParser for C++ and the definition file
for CSS ?
- what should be the header information of each file we generated in C++ in
order to respect the work of each authors ? ( shall we include the whole W3
license, just mention it, etc ? ). The information on the W3 server is not
very clear.

Thank you for your answers.

Pol-Brieuc Lemetayer

PS : For information, here is a short description of our project :

The Apache XML project aims at providing a free software library for
managing XML documents in the most popular languages. Xerces/C is the C++
bindings for managing XML documents using the "DOM" API. So far, Xerces/C
lacks several parts of the XML DOM2 API because of lack of workforce. We
propose here to implement and documents, according to the Apache XML
project, a XML DOM2 module for managing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
This project will provide a good experience for students and be useful for a
large user community!
To implement CSS into the Xerces/C project, two levels of API have to be
written. The first, called "SAC" for "Simple API for CSS", is low level and
simple, as its name suggests. The second is the CSS management in the DOM,
which is bigger and high level.
The project is therefore divided into four parts:
1- Specification of the C++ binding of SAC,
2- Implementation of the C++ binding of SAC,
3- Implementation of the DOM2 CSS API,
4- Documentation an sample programs.
Parts 1 should come first an as early as possible.
Part 2 and 3 come in parallel, although part 3 is substantially larger than
part 2.
Part 4 should be done during the whole project and be finalized.

Received on Saturday, 2 December 2000 17:57:02 UTC