Transparent background color


I have the following problem:

Our university has a stylesheet with a background color on links.
I have links on a background picture, however, and would like to remove 
this color.
I have made a class for the links in question with background:transparent 
in a new stylesheet loaded after the university ones. (This is not a link 
class, but I dont think that matters).
This works as as expected, however, removing the background color and 
letting the picture come through, only under NN. Both IE and Opera seems to 
interpret transparent as "keep the previous style", so the background color 
is preserved.
The question then is: How do I get rid of the background color in a later 
style sheet.

Yours, Bjørn Sandvik
Bjørn Sandvik,
Department of Economics, University of Bergen,
Fosswinckelsgate 6, N-5007 Bergen, Norway.
Tel: (+47)55589204, Fax: (+47)55589210.

Received on Thursday, 3 August 2000 04:20:49 UTC