- From: Matthew Brealey <webmaster@richinstyle.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 11:42:58 -0700
- To: www-style@w3.org
- Message-ID: <39088A32.78DA@richinstyle.com>
[This thread addresses something I was concerned with anyway, but I've been away for a while and haven't had a chance to propose it before.] Although the UI extensions proposal quite rightly introduces a :selection pseudo-element (although it is actually also a pseudo-class), it doesn't address the issue of the colours of the selection that the concept implies, and in particular the inverse video effect typically used. Although it is possible if one has specified (for example) P {color: black; background: white}, to say :selection {background: white; color: black} this doesn't address the fact that UAs at present will invert colours of selected items, and that there is no way of specifying this as things stand. They actually have something like :selection {background: invert; color: invert}. This value I propose would only apply to elements whose targets are pseudo-classical (!) such as :selection and :focus, on which it would apply to invert the normal colours. On other selectors it would be ignored. Whils on this subject, the UI WD does not address the fact that, although UAs certainly do use inverse video for selections, current operating systems do not necessarily do so; since they use system colours for window text and background, they also can use system colours for selected text. To describe several implementations, for example of INPUT[type=text], a selectedwindow system colour is required (this unfortunately presents slight problems; e.g., INPUT[type=text] {color: fieldtext; background: field; border: fieldborder} INPUT[type=text]:selection {color: selectedfieldtext; background: selectedfield} would mean that if one changed the colours of INPUT[type=text] one would also be required to change its :selection pseudo-element, but this is, I feel, only a minor issue). Another issue that has not been addressed by the proposal is the fact that it does not allow form controls to be made that fit in with the system; for example, one system might implement SELECT menus and their ilk as popup menus, whereas another might require the user to pull them down. ------------------ Please visit http://RichInStyle.com. Featuring: MySite - offer your users customizable styles. AlwaysWork style - style sheets that always work. Browser bug table covering all of CSS2 with links to full descriptions. Lists of more than 1000 browser bugs, plus demonstrations of each. Websafe Colorizer - view all foreground colors with all backgrounds. CSS2, CSS1 and HTML4 tutorials. CSS masterclass - how to write better style sheets. CSS2 test suite with 5000++ tests and 300+ test pages.
Received on Thursday, 27 April 2000 06:38:21 UTC