RE: Link Destination Pseudo-classes

Daniel Glazman wrote:

> >   *:protocol("mailto"):before { content : url(envelope.png) }
> Interesting. Looks more or less like an attibute selector maching the first
> chars of the value of the attribute... I'd rather see in CSS the regexps
> that some contributors to this list call for :-)

How about possibly -- for consistency's sake -- some of the XPath functions,
like starts-with(), contains(), substring(), substring-before(),
substring-after(), etc.?  The substring* functions could used for content
generation in :before and :after pseudo-elements.

Just a thought.  I also see that on the agenda for the next generation of XSLT
is the possibility of regexp.  Keeping X* and CSS in any kind of sync in these
areas might be akin to squaring (angle-bracketing?) circles, but where there's
overlap of functionality, at least *exploring* overlap of technique won't hurt.


Received on Saturday, 15 April 2000 14:15:32 UTC