RE: Re; shrink-wrap

Yes... it would change "on the fly".

One other thing to note - there needs to be a directive in CSS by which you
can prevent word-wrapping.  In addition to directing an element to "shrink"
to the size of it's content, you would also tell it not to word-wrap.

> Sounds okay, but will this be something which changes on the fly?
> Or can be reapplied?
> Say you have a scripted form field (a good example is a clock...)
> whose content can change length, how is this handled?
> Why not have width: inside or something then?
> auto sizes to fill to the parent block right?
> This new type would fill to current content length...
> Upon which one may specify bounds with min-width and max-width ?
> --
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>   ..oooooooooo.......   209 North Street     +    /  \ /  \  .
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>   ...ooooooooo.......   Randolph, MA 02368        /  \     \
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> MOTD on Prickle-Prickle, the 21st of Discord, in the YOLD 3166:
> Hey, go buy a plane ticket to another state of mind, okay?

Received on Tuesday, 4 April 2000 23:52:43 UTC