Replaced elements (was Re: Text-Decoration)

L. David Baron wrote:
> > Consider this:
> > H1 { text-indent: 4em; }
> >
> > <h1>
> >  <object data="/images/corporate_logo">
> >   Bodgitt and Scarper Plumbing
> >  </object>
> > </h1>
> >
> > ...should the logo be indented?
> Yes, if the object element has 'display: inline' and is thus a replaced
> inline element 

Of course the term 'replaced' in the spec (used throughout) is usually
incorrect, since, although it is sometimes used to mean replaced
content, it is more usually used to mean that the element defines an
inline-level block.

(BTW: Unless I've missed something the question didn't have anything to
do with text-decoration; if it did, and it was making a point as to the
respective merits of the various interpretations of the spec, then I
could do with some elucidation.)

Received on Monday, 3 April 2000 06:00:13 UTC