Re: font-size in W3C stylesheet

Todd Fahrner wrote:

> While it is true that there is currently no good way to suggest
> smaller fonts in a WAI-conscious manner for any shipping Mac UA, I
> would hardly lay blame on W3C CSS authors for this. Instead, I would

Today's complaint is minor, but starting in 1997, I reported Macintosh
illegibility problems in XML1, CSS2, WAI (WCGL1), and HTML4 documents
upon their release. Maybe the W3C Webmaster or CSS authors would
consider freezing a Technical Reports stylesheet which is known to work
around existing UAs, and QA it each time new UAs are released. TRs are
coming out faster than UAs, and must reach the widest-possible audience.

Susan Lesch

Received on Friday, 3 September 1999 18:40:31 UTC