RE: min-font-size

>Eric Meyer wrote:
>>      P {font-size: 8pt+ 9pt 12pt-}
>But with the suggestions so far, AFAICT current-generation browsers won't
>understand that they should read that as "font-size: 9pt".

   Hmmm... I guess not.  However, if we're going to introduce constraints,
we'll have to come up with something.  This notation is simple compact, and
doesn't introduce a single new property, all of which were prime motivating
factors behind its devising.  Is there a solution which allows as much (or
more) expression of constraints without resorting to creating a huge number
of "-min" and "-max" property variants, and will still not chooke the
current crop of browsers?  (Using workarounds to "hide" constraint styles
from browsers is okay with me...)

Eric A. Meyer  -  -
 Editor, Style Sheets Reference Guide
 Coordinator, CSS1 Test Suite
 Member, WSP CSS Technical Committee

Received on Monday, 19 July 1999 17:14:05 UTC