Re: Why no Parent Selector?

> > I think that you'll be happy reading the
> > W3C Selectors
> > Working Draft [1]. It introduces the :subject
> > selector. So selecting a
> > P that contains a DEL is written
> > 
> > 	P:subject > DEL
> > 
> > [1]
> This isn't very well signposted, I missed it on
> skim-reading the module twice, and probably wouldn't
> have re-suggested :contains() if I'd noticed it.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll make sure that is more visible in the
next draft.

> More importantly, I would like to know how it is
> proposed to select an element that does _not_ contain
> an element, e.g., P that does not contain DEL?

There are no "negative" selectors. You have to use the cascade.


Received on Wednesday, 1 December 1999 06:04:08 UTC