Re: Granularity

Jelks Cabaniss wrote:
> In some books I've seen sections that start with the first (say) four words in
> small caps.  Is there any plan for this capability in CSS?  Something like
>         p:first-words(4) { font-variant: small-caps }

Correction : In some books in english or languages using latin scripts...

So Jelks, what is a word ? Where starts and stops a word ? Is

	" s'is " in yiddish
or	" l'été " in french

made of 1 or 2 words ? Is " plate-forme " in french made of two
words or is it a compound word ?

In asiatic languages that don't have punctuations, where starts and
stops a word ?...


Received on Friday, 27 November 1998 03:07:33 UTC