RE: My #1 request for CSS3

"Braden N. McDaniel" <> writes:
> I don't see why this would be an "either/or" situation. SVG would not be
> able to endow transparency to the things CSS could (text and background
> colors), nor would CSS be able to endow a vector graphics file format with
> transparency.

Transparency support in CSS will benefit HTML, SVG and arbitrary XML
documents. All can use CSS to express this and other non-structural
features. In other words I agree that it is "both," and that CSS is
the right place for this feature in SVG.

Robert Stevahn --
+1 208 396 4787 -- HP LaserJet Solutions Group
HP Representative: W3C CSS and SVG WGs

Received on Sunday, 8 November 1998 17:59:31 UTC