Re: Text masking (Re: Patterned colors (was: Re: Gradient color))

Lawrance Family Member wrote:

> Sure!  Perhaps CSS should even allow for a URL to be in place of an RGB
> triplet in the color (or font color) properties.

> >Still, a _simple_ gradient-fill property wouldn't be a bad idea.

Interesting to note that foreground images were in a very early version
of CSS, before CSS1, and sop was gradient fill. Both removed, for
reasons of implementation efficiency, so as not to scare early
implementors ;-)

Of course, a foreground image is no more difficult than the
widely-accepted background images. You just need to consider the output
of the font renderer as an alpha mask.

As "images" move away from "just raster images" towards resizable,
compact vector images, gradient fills become trivial. A rectangle with a
simple two-color fade fill can be encoded in less than a hundered bytes
in any reasonable vector graphics language, and can be resizes without
loss of quality.


Received on Friday, 22 May 1998 15:55:53 UTC