Re: default.css

Frank Boumphrey wrote (1:52 PM -0400 5/22/98):
" >>and P is an inline
" element. <<
" Now thats news to me!!
"  I thought a block level element was one with a line break before and after
" it, and P certainly has that!!<g>

No - that's a description of the "block" display type, which is different
from the content model description of a block level element. Block level
elements like P may not be contained by inline level elements like EM in
HTML. It is for the stylesheet to say whether P or EM have inline, block,
list-item, or "none" as display types, at least as of CSS1 (never

Block level elements seem to come in two flavors: those that may contain
other blocks (called "flow" in the DTD, examples being BODY, BLOCKQUOTE,
and DIV) and those that may not (e.g., P, H3). This is still a little murky
to me - help wanted.

As for why you can set a width on DIV but not on BODY or P in IE4, it seems
that some blocks are more equal than others. It seems to me that DIV is a
privileged element because it's really handy to have around if you (a)
don't want to bother with all those fussy HTML structural elements when
you're treating it as just a display format and (b) if you don't implement
the CSS1 display types, so need some quick way to produce a line break
(without extra vertical whitespace) and still be well-formed.

Todd Fahrner

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Received on Friday, 22 May 1998 14:53:08 UTC