RE: multiple style sheets for 1 doc

Thanks, Gordon.  It would be easier, by the way, (and more in the spirit of
"alternate stylesheets") for you to toggle the 'disabled' property of the
styleSheet objects rather than mess around with the 'href' property of the
first stylesheet (creating an "alternate stylesheet" automatically defaults
to 'disabled', so only the first of your stylesheets will be enabled).

Daniel, we do provide this capability through the object model in IE4.0.
Although we do not provide any user interface to it, do you REALLY want a
user to be presented with a dialog and forced to select a stylesheet every
time they visit your page?  That's absymal in terms of usability.  It would
be nice to have a drop-down menu with the available stylesheets - that's one
of my wish-list items for IE already.

If you wish, you can install the stylesheet selector context menu script I
created just to prove that we do provide this capability - I sent it to this
list six months or so ago, or you can get it from  This context menu
extension will give you a "Stylesheets..." item on the right-click menu on
ALL web pages, which will let you select from a list of alternate
stylesheets (according to the HTML 4.0 grouping semantics - it's not a
generic stylesheet flipper, although you could easily alter the script).


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	gordon []
> Sent:	Saturday, May 16, 1998 9:51 AM
> To:;
> Subject:	Re: multiple style sheets for 1 doc
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Glazman <>
> To: <>
> Date: Saturday, May 16, 1998 8:54 AM
> Subject: multiple style sheets for 1 doc
> >
> >I have a comment on browsers implementation of multiple style sheets
> >for one single document.  I have never seen my browser opening a
> >window and ask "this document has 4 alternate stylesheets; which
> >sheet(s) do you want to use ?" ...  I also regret that in HTML only
> >one preferred style sheet is allowed per document. I want (need) that
> >and I insist on the possibility to open n windows with the same
> >document but one style sheet per window.
> Hi Daniel,
> If you have, or have, access to IEv4+, then see if this is what you'd like
> to do.
> It loads five style sheets, then you may select the one you prefer.
> later,
> gordon

Received on Monday, 18 May 1998 11:46:10 UTC