Re: OPINIONS WANTED: regexps in CSS? (Re: Suggestion for Attribute Selectors)

I like the idea of supporting regular expressions as selectors. Yes,
grepping can be hard to master (I'm learning a new trick every couple of
weeks, and consider myself a novice). I don't see how the difficulty argues
against it, as long as the simpler selector mechanisms will still be
supported. It would be an extension to replace any number of potential
future extensions, many of which would undoubtedly be quite ugly and
cumbersome and contrived and probably not well-supported for years.

Would it be excessive to call it XCSS? Everybody's doin' it, you know.

"MoXilla 9 fully supports XML, XSL, XHTML 6, XCSS, XPDF, XZEMAScript, and
is XSSI-compatible."

Todd Fahrner

Received on Tuesday, 10 March 1998 13:12:02 UTC