Re: text/css vs application/x-pointplus.

Chris Lilley wrote:
> much snippage of ISP failure to support text/css 
> Ensure that Apache has out of the box support for text/css; if not, get
> it added. That should cover near 50% of the Web, after upgrades.
Apparently, Apache does not have 'out of the box support', per
verification from a knowledgeable user:

"The types file that is distributed is the file called "mime.types" in
the ./conf subdirectory.  Neither the current "production stable"
version (1.2.5) nor the latest beta (1.3beta5) have this in their
standard mime.types file."

As for getting it added, I'll try. 

Sue Jordan

Received on Sunday, 1 March 1998 08:42:54 UTC