HTML/CSS inconsistency

Sorry to bring this up again, but I think it is quite important.

From the description of the "start" attribute (now deprecated (why? -
likewise "value")) of the OL tag in the HTML 4.0 recommendation

> The default starting number is "1".

From the description of the CSS2 list-style-type property

> decimal 
>      Decimal numbers, beginning with 0.

There is clearly a problem here. As far as I can see there are two
sensible solutions:-

a) Alter the CSS definition so that decimal lists start at 1.


b) Introduce a new property (perhaps list-start) which would take the
place of the HTML attribute, allowing the starting number to be specified
by the author. It should, of course, default to the value 1.

Tim Bagot

Received on Saturday, 24 January 1998 09:46:15 UTC