Re: MSIE 4.0 and element boxes

Eric A. Meyer wrote:
>>>  Editor, WebReview's Style Sheets Reference Guide
>>Uh oh. That's scary.
>   Scary because someone let the press in here, or scary because I made a

I'm very glad you're here! You're certainly not alone in misinterpreting the
CSS rendering model -- IE had it wrong initially, and in spite of
discussions on this list NN still has it wrong in 4.01. It's a bit scary to
think of 'the press' spreading misinformation to countless aspiring 'web
designers', but it's reassuring when efforts are made to get the facts

What's scary is that the new CSS2 draft doesn't seem to help clarify things.
Just the opposite, IMO -- it's even harder to 'get the picture' than it was
from the CSS1 spec. It seems to me that the separation of general
explanations and specific properties in the CSS1 spec was easier to
understand and refer to. Spreading important concepts through chapters 9-11
is confusing.

David Perrell

Received on Wednesday, 7 January 1998 17:41:10 UTC