Re: Same source multiple times with @import

Chris Wilson wrote:
> If they're cyclic, they include their parent (or themselves) and vice-versa.
> I would propose the CSS2 spec declare that
> "Treating stylesheets as a tree of stylesheet nodes (the document being the
> root) if an imported stylesheet has the same URI as one of its direct
> ancestors, that import should be ignored."

I'd concur with this.  That is also what I've implemented and I  suspect
the only practical solution to cycles in the DAG.

> I believe only the cyclic problem should be addressed - multiple importing
> may have some uses.

Multiple imports should definitely remain allowed.  Imports out of order
of the contents of a stylesheet probably should remain disallowed as
they needlessly complicate things.

Doug Rand
Silicon Graphics/SSO
Disclaimer: These are my views,  SGI's views are in 3D

Received on Monday, 5 January 1998 17:52:07 UTC