RE: Same source multiple times with @import

> Not quite true.  Multiple inclusion does not by itself allow cycles - only
> inclusion of a parent stylesheet.  This is detectable with a different
> algorithm..

Yes, but what do you do in this case:


@import url(u.css);
@import url(v.css);


@import url(v.css);


@import url(u.css);

It isn't clear where to stop importing and which sheet to use.  I 
know the algorithm is fairly simple and doesn't waste much memory, 
but its unclear as to what actually happens with multiple inclusions 
if they are cyclic, include their parent,or otherwise.  And the fact 
that they are actually "imports" and not inclusions would seem to 
imply importing more than once is useless and possibly ignored.

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 Mortar: Advanced Web Development      <>
 Neil St.Laurent                     <>
 Big Picture Multimedia                            +1.403.265.8018

Received on Monday, 5 January 1998 16:57:29 UTC