Re: A CSS Browser Question

>Hi, I'm obviously new and I have a browser question regarding CSS.

It is always good to see new content authors embracing CSS.

>How well would an iMac with the AOL 4.0 IE browser read CSS?

Fairly comparable (almost equivalent) to MacIE 4.01.

>  If an AOL 4.0 IE
>iMac browser is having a problem reading the language--would that be a
>error on my end because the CSS formatted site looks find to everyone else.

Possibly - there are many rules about when and how illegal CSS rules,
properties, values are to be ignored.  Different browser implementations are
more/less lenient when it comes to these rules.  What is the specific CSS
that you are having problems with?  Could you point us to a URL?

Received on Monday, 21 December 1998 06:09:52 UTC