Re: The 'align' property (or lack thereof)

>>> how is
>>> one supposed to center an entire block within its containing block
>>> without an 'align' property?
>>You set both margin-left and margin-right to "auto". I don't know if any
>>browsers support this yet.
> Makes perfect sense.  And I take it >align:left< is achieved
>via "margin-right:auto" and >align:right< via "margin-right:left".
>It's not exactly easy to find this information in the spec.

I gave this a try in IE4.0 and NN4.05 and it didn't work.
I have used the 'text-align' property; however, this does on work in NN.

Russell Grigaitis
Pre Print Incorporated
200, 12420 - 104 Avenue
Edmonton, AB  T5N 3Z9
(403) 488 - 6688

Received on Monday, 24 August 1998 13:36:28 UTC