Re: content property

Paul Prescod wrote:
> <P>This is a paragraph.
> <P>this is another paragraph.
> <FIGURE>This is figure 1.</FIGURE>
> <SECTION><TITLE>This is section 1</TITLE
> <FIGURE>This is figure 2</FIGURE>
> <SECTION><TITLE>This is section 2</TITLE>
> <FIGURE>This is figure 3</FIGURE>
> Now how do I set up the stylesheet to generate numbers that
> to the ones in the text?

Prefixed, suffixed, or inserted? Prefixed w/period and space:

BODY          { counter-type: decimal;
                counter-initial: 1 }
FIGURE:before { content: BODY.counter ". "}           
SECTION       { counter-type: decimal;
                counter-initial: 1 }
TITLE:before  { content: SECTION.counter ". "}

David Perrell

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 1997 13:38:12 UTC